The story of Little Ripple began in 2020, at a time when I stood at a life-changing crossroads. After dedicating a decade to a demanding career in programme management, the once-vibrant passion I had for my work had faded, giving way to a deeper longing for peace and simplicity. This yearning prompted a transformative decision: I left my life in Lancashire behind for the serene, sea-kissed shores of Llanddulas, Conwy.

This move brought a startling revelation to light—the vast accumulation of 'stuff' over the years, items that lacked joy, quality, or any real value to me or the planet. It was this epiphany that steered me towards a more conscious lifestyle and a desire to rethink my engagement with the material world. I yearned for a deeper connection and mindfulness about my consumer power to make a positive impact. I started to make small sustainable changes, but struggled to find a single platform that combined beauty, craftsmanship, locality, and sustainability. I envisioned a place where consumers could truly connect with the stories behind their purchases, believing firmly that even a candle, when handcrafted and poured in small batches, could transform the simple act of lighting it into a moment of profound appreciation and connection.

It was here that Little Ripple was born. 

Little Ripple is a space where sustainability, ethical practices, and exceptional quality are not just valued but celebrated. In partnership with smaller, independent UK brands, we're building a community that champions local economies, minimises carbon footprints, and celebrates the artistry behind each product.

Our carefully curated selection spans artisan homeware, lifestyle, crafts, and accessories designed to enrich lives without contributing to the clutter. Whether through our 'ready to go' and 'build a box' gifting options or our seamless marketplace experience, we're committed to making it easy for you to incorporate artisanal beauty and purpose into every aspect of your life.

We have big aspirations for Little Ripple, and want to cultivate a thriving community of conscious consumers that are empowered to make decisions that benefit themselves, their communities, and the planet. We believe in the transformative power of small ripples to create a vast wave of positive change.